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  • Increase ability to take care of your every day activities


  • Improve the accessibility of your home


  • Reduce risk of falling

  • Use technology


  • Improve balance


  • Caregiver training


  • Walk outside safely


  • Exercises to increase endurance, strengthen core, improve fine motor skills, and reduce pain


  • Learn about adaptive equipment for seniors

Services are covered by:
Traditional Medicare Part B

Self Pay $135/hour

Here's How It Works


Start Here

Call, text, or email me.  Let's talk insurance to see if you're covered. I'll call your insurance company to make sure you're covered.  Next, what are your needs and goals for occupational therapy? Then, we schedule an OT evaluation with me.


Ball's In My Court

I will get the pertinent medical history from your MD.  I will do an Occupational Therapy Evaluation and create a Plan of Care that meets with your approval.  Then your doctor needs to sign off on the Plan of Care.  I'll follow up with your doctor to make this happen.


The Fun Part

We begin!  I will train you using occupational therapy evidenced based methods to help you improve safety and gain more independence with your activities of daily living and other goals you have.  

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